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xXHackerzCoderzXx Empty xXHackerzCoderzXx

Post  Ç®¥MÊ_†ŸMÈ Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:55 pm

MediaFire Download
Virus Scan


1. Box ESP - Draw's Box's around players
2. Fly Hack - Hold Space bar to Fly.
3. No Fog - On maps such as Snow Valley, there is fog. Fog reduces your ability to see far distances in front of you. No fog removes the fog on the map enabling you to see what was hidden by the fog previously
4. Speed Hack - Increases your player's walking speed.
5. Tracer Bullets - Show's a colorful line in which your bullets fire.
6. Show FPS - Show's your "Frames per second".
7. Full Bright - Makes map and people brighter. (Good for Cabin Fever)
8. Chams - This is not "real Chams", this is Satellite Chams. It is "legit chams".
9. Hover - Make's your Player Hover, When you walk of an edge; you will Float.
10. No Spread - When you fire a weapon, you will notice that your bullets do not all hit the same spot. There is a spread with regard to where your bullets hit. No spread makes it so that your bullets all hit in the same spot.
11. Super Jump - Increases your Unit's when you jump.


xXHackerzCoderzXx 4njx0

xXHackerzCoderzXx 2eq6liw

xXHackerzCoderzXx 11ih45u



Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-01-03

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xXHackerzCoderzXx Empty Re: xXHackerzCoderzXx

Post  iHustlah Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:35 pm

works great! thank u!

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-01-03

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